Flashcards on Skeletal Muscle Metabolism

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What is the primary energy source for muscle contraction?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Which biochemical source for producing ATP is used first?

Creatine phosphate

How long can creatine phosphate supply energy to a working muscle?

8-10 seconds

What is the byproduct of ATP production from glycogen without using oxygen?

Lactic acid

Which system produces ATP for endurance events?

Aerobic respiration

What are the proteins involved in muscle filaments and sarcomeres?

Actin, tropomyosin, troponin, myosin

What triggers muscle contraction at the molecular level?

Release of acetylcholine (Ach) neurotransmitter

What happens to tropomyosin when Ca2+ binds to troponin?

Tropomyosin moves, exposing myosin-binding sites on actin

What causes muscle fatigue?

Lack of ATP, low oxygen, and accumulation of lactic acid

Which genetic deficiency results in muscle weakness due to muscle glycogen accumulation?

Pompe disease

What is the primary cause of Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

Altered dystrophin gene

What is the main function of mitochondria in muscle cells?

Producing ATP through oxidative phosphorylation

Which autoimmune disorder affects neuromuscular signaling at the motor endplate?

Myasthenia gravis

In which disease does immune cell destruction of nerve sheath myelin cause paralysis of skeletal muscles?

Multiple sclerosis

What type of questions are answered by studying skeletal muscle metabolism?

How does the body generate energy for muscle contractions?


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the primary energy source for muscle contraction?

Which system produces ATP for endurance events?

What is the byproduct of ATP production from glycogen without using oxygen?

What triggers muscle contraction at the molecular level?

Which genetic deficiency results in muscle weakness due to muscle glycogen accumulation?

What is the main function of mitochondria in muscle cells?

Which autoimmune disorder affects neuromuscular signaling at the motor endplate?

What type of questions are answered by studying skeletal muscle metabolism?

What causes muscle fatigue?

What is the primary cause of Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

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