Flashcards on Skin Diseases and Tumors

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What are the two main classifications of skin diseases and tumors?

Non neoplastic lesions (inflammatory conditions) and Neoplastic lesions

Name two types of epidermal tumors.

Squamous cell papilloma and Squamous cell carcinoma

Which type of skin tumor is considered locally malignant?

Basal cell carcinoma

What is the most common site for Squamous Cell Carcinoma?


What is the major cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Prolonged sun exposure

Name the benign tumors originating from melanocytes.

Naevocellular naevi

What is the most common site for malignant melanoma on the skin?

Trunk (in men) and legs (in women)

What are the clinical signs of transformation in nevi?

Ulceration, Increase in size, Variegated colour, Lymph node enlargement

What are the two types of growth patterns in melanomas according to Clark's classification?

Melanomas with radial pattern of growth and Melanomas with vertical pattern of growth (Nodular melanoma)

What are the favorable prognostic factors in melanoma?

Breslow Depth of Lesion <1.5mm, Histology: superficial spreading melanoma, Age: young, Sex: female, Body site: extremities, Mitotic index low


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Test Your Knowledge

What are the two main classifications of skin diseases and tumors?

Which type of skin tumor is considered locally malignant?

What is the major cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma?

What are the clinical signs of transformation in nevi?

What are the two types of growth patterns in melanomas according to Clark's classification?

What is the most common site for Squamous Cell Carcinoma?

What are the benign tumors originating from melanocytes called?

What is the most common site for malignant melanoma on the skin?

What is the most common site for Squamous Cell Carcinoma?

What are the favorable prognostic factors in melanoma?

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