Flashcards on Social Issues: Child Labour and Bonded Labour

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What is child labour?

Child labour refers to the employment of children in work that is harmful to their physical and mental development.

What is bonded labour?

Bonded labour refers to a situation where individuals are forced to work in exchange for repayment of a debt, often under exploitative conditions.

What are the causes of child labour?

The causes of child labour include poverty, lack of education, cultural factors, and demand for cheap labor.

What are some examples of hazardous work done by child labourers?

Examples of hazardous work done by child labourers include working in mines, factories, construction sites, and agriculture.

What are the consequences of child labour?

The consequences of child labour include limited access to education, physical and psychological harm, and perpetuation of the cycle of poverty.

How does bonded labour contribute to human trafficking?

Bonded labour can contribute to human trafficking by trapping individuals in exploitative situations, making them vulnerable to forced labor, sexual exploitation, and other forms of abuse.

What are some initiatives to combat child labour and bonded labour?

Initiatives to combat child labour and bonded labour include international conventions, government policies, awareness campaigns, and support for education and rehabilitation of affected individuals.

What is the role of consumers in addressing child labour and bonded labour?

Consumers can play a role in addressing child labour and bonded labour by making informed choices, supporting companies with ethical labor practices, and advocating for fair trade.

What is the International Labour Organization (ILO) doing to combat child labour and bonded labour?

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is working to eliminate child labour and bonded labour through conventions, research, and technical assistance to member states.

What are some alternative solutions to child labour and bonded labour?

Some alternative solutions to child labour and bonded labour include providing free education, empowering communities and families, and promoting sustainable economic development.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the definition of child labour?

What is bonded labour?

Which factors contribute to child labour?

What are some examples of hazardous work done by child labourers?

What are the consequences of child labour?

How does bonded labour contribute to human trafficking?

What can consumers do to address child labour and bonded labour?

What is the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in combating child labour and bonded labour?

What are some alternative solutions to child labour and bonded labour?

What is the main cause of bonded labour?

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