Flashcards on Social Justice: Issues related to SCs, STs, OBCs

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Who are SCs, STs, and OBCs?

SCs (Scheduled Castes), STs (Scheduled Tribes), and OBCs (Other Backward Classes) are social groups in India that have historically faced social and economic disadvantages.

What is social justice?

Social justice refers to the fair and equitable distribution of resources, rights, and opportunities in society. It aims to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals, particularly those who are marginalized or disadvantaged.

What are the challenges faced by SCs, STs, and OBCs in India?

SCs, STs, and OBCs face various challenges such as discrimination, lack of access to education and healthcare, limited economic opportunities, and social exclusion.

What is caste-based discrimination?

Caste-based discrimination refers to the unfair treatment and social exclusion of individuals based on their caste or social status. It is a form of social injustice prevalent in some societies, including India.

What are some government initiatives to promote social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs?

The Indian government has implemented various initiatives such as reservation policies, scholarships, and welfare schemes to uplift SCs, STs, and OBCs and promote social justice.

What is the reservation policy in India?

The reservation policy in India is a system of affirmative action that reserves a certain percentage of seats and job opportunities for SCs, STs, and OBCs in educational institutions and public sector employment.

What is the role of NGOs in promoting social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs?

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in advocating for the rights and welfare of SCs, STs, and OBCs. They work towards creating awareness, providing support, and implementing development programs.

What is the significance of education in achieving social justice?

Education is crucial in achieving social justice as it empowers individuals with knowledge, skills, and opportunities. It helps overcome social barriers, reduce inequality, and promote inclusivity.

What are some examples of social justice movements in India?

Some examples of social justice movements in India include the Dalit Movement, Adivasi Rights Movement, and OBC Rights Movement. These movements strive to address the issues and fight for the rights of marginalized communities.

Why is it important to address the issue of social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs?

Addressing the issue of social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs is important to create a more inclusive and equal society. It enables the upliftment of marginalized communities and promotes overall social harmony.

What is the role of the judiciary in upholding social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs?

The judiciary plays a significant role in upholding social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs through its interpretation and implementation of laws, regulations, and policies. It ensures the protection of their rights and the enforcement of justice.

What is meant by the term 'Scheduled Castes' (SCs)?

Scheduled Castes (SCs) refer to the social groups that have been historically marginalized and subjected to caste-based discrimination in India. They are recognized and provided certain safeguards and benefits under the Indian Constitution.

Who are 'Scheduled Tribes' (STs)?

Scheduled Tribes (STs) are indigenous or tribal communities in India that have a distinctive cultural, social, and economic identity. They are recognized and provided certain protections and privileges under the Indian Constitution.

What are 'Other Backward Classes' (OBCs)?

Other Backward Classes (OBCs) refer to social groups that are economically and socially disadvantaged compared to the dominant castes in India. They are provided with certain reservations and benefits under the Indian Constitution.

How can individuals contribute to promoting social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs?

Individuals can contribute to promoting social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs by challenging and rejecting discriminatory practices, supporting inclusive policies and initiatives, spreading awareness, and actively advocating for equal rights and opportunities.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which social groups in India face social and economic disadvantages?

What does social justice aim to achieve?

What is the reservation policy in India?

What is the role of NGOs in promoting social justice?

Why is education important in achieving social justice?

What are some examples of social justice movements in India?

Why is it important to address social justice for SCs, STs, and OBCs?

What is the role of the judiciary in upholding social justice?

What are 'Scheduled Tribes' (STs)?

How can individuals contribute to promoting social justice?

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