Flashcards on Social Security Act

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When was the Social Security Act passed?


What was the main purpose of the Social Security Act?

To provide financial assistance and support to elderly, disabled, and unemployed individuals

Who signed the Social Security Act into law?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

What program was established by the Social Security Act to provide retirement benefits?

Social Security Retirement Insurance

Which group of individuals was initially excluded from receiving Social Security benefits?

Agricultural and domestic workers

How is Social Security funded?

Through payroll taxes and contributions

What is the purpose of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

To provide income support to individuals with disabilities

What is the retirement age to receive full Social Security benefits?

Currently 67 years old

What is the purpose of Social Security Survivor Benefits?

To provide financial assistance to the dependents of deceased individuals who contributed to Social Security

What types of benefits are provided by the Social Security Act?

Retirement, disability, survivor, and Medicare

True or False: The Social Security Act is still in effect today.


Which branch of the government administers the Social Security Act?

The Social Security Administration (SSA)

What is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program?

A program that provides financial assistance to low-income individuals with disabilities or over the age of 65

What role did the Great Depression play in the creation of the Social Security Act?

The economic hardships of the Great Depression led to public support for social welfare programs like Social Security

What are some criticisms of the Social Security Act?

Limited coverage for certain groups, sustainability concerns, and dependency on government funding


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Test Your Knowledge

When was the Social Security Act passed?

What program was established by the Social Security Act to provide retirement benefits?

Who signed the Social Security Act into law?

What is the purpose of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

What is the retirement age to receive full Social Security benefits?

What is the purpose of Social Security Survivor Benefits?

True or False: The Social Security Act is still in effect today.

Which branch of the government administers the Social Security Act?

What is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program?

What role did the Great Depression play in the creation of the Social Security Act?

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