Flashcards on Sound and Acoustics

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What is sound?

Sound is a form of energy that is produced by vibrating objects and is transmitted through a medium.

What is acoustics?

Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of sound and its behavior in different environments.

What is the unit of measurement for sound?

The unit of measurement for sound is the decibel (dB).

What is frequency?

Frequency is the number of vibrations or cycles of a wave that occur in one second.

What is pitch?

Pitch is the perception of the frequency of a sound wave. Higher frequency sounds are perceived as higher pitch.

What is amplitude?

Amplitude is the maximum displacement of particles in a medium from their rest position when a sound wave passes through.

What is the speed of sound in air at room temperature?

The speed of sound in air at room temperature is approximately 343 meters per second.

What is an echo?

An echo is a reflected sound wave that can be heard after the original sound wave has been reflected back to the listener.

What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or pitch of a sound wave observed by an observer when the source of the sound is moving relative to the observer.

What are some applications of acoustics?

Some applications of acoustics include architectural acoustics, noise control, and sound engineering.

What is reverberation?

Reverberation is the persistence of sound in an enclosed space due to multiple reflections from surfaces.

What is sound absorption?

Sound absorption is the process by which a material reduces the reflection of sound waves and converts sound energy into heat.

What is sound insulation?

Sound insulation is the ability of a material or structure to reduce the transmission of sound from one area to another.

What is ultrasonic sound?

Ultrasonic sound refers to sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing, which is approximately 20,000 Hz.

What is infrasonic sound?

Infrasonic sound refers to sound waves with frequencies lower than the lower limit of human hearing, which is approximately 20 Hz.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which branch of physics deals with the study of sound and its behavior?

What is the unit of measurement for sound?

What is the maximum displacement of particles in a medium from their rest position when a sound wave passes through?

What is the speed of sound in air at room temperature?

What is the change in frequency or pitch of a sound wave observed by an observer when the source of the sound is moving relative to the observer?

What is the persistence of sound in an enclosed space due to multiple reflections from surfaces?

Which type of sound refers to sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing?

What is the process by which a material reduces the reflection of sound waves and converts sound energy into heat?

What is the ability of a material or structure to reduce the transmission of sound from one area to another?

What is the term for a reflected sound wave that can be heard after the original sound wave has been reflected back to the listener?

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