Flashcards on Space Race

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Which two countries were involved in the Space Race?

United States and Soviet Union

When did the Space Race begin?


Who launched the first satellite into space?

Soviet Union

What was the name of the first satellite launched into space?

Sputnik 1

Who was the first human to travel into space?

Yuri Gagarin

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?

John Glenn

What was the objective of the Space Race?

Demonstration of technological superiority and national prestige

Which mission successfully landed humans on the Moon?

Apollo 11

When did the Space Race end?


Who was the last country to complete a successful crewed space mission during the Space Race?

United States

What was the name of the American space agency during the Space Race?


What was the name of the Soviet space agency during the Space Race?


Which vehicle did the United States use to transport astronauts to space during the Space Race?

Mercury spacecraft

Which vehicle did the Soviet Union use to transport cosmonauts to space during the Space Race?

Vostok spacecraft

What was the name of the first American space station launched during the Space Race?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which two countries were involved in the Space Race?

Who launched the first satellite into space?

Who was the first human to travel into space?

Which mission successfully landed humans on the Moon?

When did the Space Race end?

What was the name of the American space agency during the Space Race?

Which vehicle did the United States use to transport astronauts to space during the Space Race?

What was the name of the first American space station launched during the Space Race?

What was the objective of the Space Race?

Who was the last country to complete a successful crewed space mission during the Space Race?

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