Flashcards on Spanish-American War

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When did the Spanish-American War take place?


Which territories did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish-American War?

Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

What were the main causes of the Spanish-American War?

The explosion of the USS Maine and U.S. support for Cuban independence

Who was the commander of the United States Navy's Asiatic Squadron during the Spanish-American War?

George Dewey

What role did yellow journalism play in shaping public opinion during the Spanish-American War?

It sensationalized news stories to generate support for U.S. intervention in Cuba

What treaty ended the Spanish-American War?

Treaty of Paris

Who led the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War?

Theodore Roosevelt

What event led to the United States declaring war on Spain during the Spanish-American War?

The explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor

What impact did the Spanish-American War have on the United States?

It established the United States as a global power and marked the end of Spanish colonial rule in the Americas

What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War?

Spain was defeated and Cuba gained independence

Who was the president of the United States during the Spanish-American War?

William McKinley

What were the main events of the Spanish-American War?

The sinking of the USS Maine, the Battle of Manila Bay, and the Battle of Santiago de Cuba

What role did African American soldiers play in the Spanish-American War?

They served in segregated units and fought with valor and distinction

What were the short-term and long-term consequences of the Spanish-American War?

Short-term: Acquisition of new territories; Long-term: Shaping of U.S. foreign policy and emergence as a world power

What was the significance of the Battle of San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War?

It was a key victory for the United States and Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders


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Test Your Knowledge

Which territories did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish-American War?

Who was the commander of the United States Navy's Asiatic Squadron during the Spanish-American War?

What role did yellow journalism play in shaping public opinion during the Spanish-American War?

Who led the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War?

What impact did the Spanish-American War have on the United States?

What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War?

Who was the president of the United States during the Spanish-American War?

What role did African American soldiers play in the Spanish-American War?

What were the short-term and long-term consequences of the Spanish-American War?

What was the significance of the Battle of San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War?

What were the main causes of the Spanish-American War?

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