Flashcards on Spanish Armada: Defeat and Consequences

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When did the Spanish Armada take place?


Who was the Queen of England during the Spanish Armada?

Queen Elizabeth I

Who was the commander of the Spanish Armada?

Duke of Medina Sidonia

What was the main goal of the Spanish Armada?

To invade England and overthrow Queen Elizabeth I

What were the major factors that contributed to the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

Poor weather, skilled English naval tactics, and the English use of fire ships

What were the consequences of the Spanish Armada?

The decline of Spain as a naval power, the rise of England as a dominant naval power, and the beginning of England's colonial expansion

Which English naval commander played a crucial role in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

Sir Francis Drake

What impact did the Spanish Armada have on the Protestant-Catholic conflict in Europe?

The defeat of the Spanish Armada weakened Spain's influence and bolstered Protestantism

What important lesson was learned from the Spanish Armada?

The importance of a strong navy and naval warfare tactics

How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada impact England's relationship with other European nations?

It elevated England's status and led to increased recognition and respect from other European powers

What were some long-term effects of the Spanish Armada?

Increased English exploration and colonization, the growth of English naval dominance, and the decline of Spain as a global power

What role did geography play in the Spanish Armada's defeat?

The narrow English Channel hindered the Spanish Armada's ability to maneuver effectively

Which country provided support to the English during the Spanish Armada?

The Dutch Republic

What was the significance of the Spanish Armada's defeat for Europe?

It marked a shift in power from Spain to England and had implications for future conflicts and colonial expansion

How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada impact England's economy?

It boosted England's economy and led to increased trade and commercial expansion


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Test Your Knowledge

Who was the Queen of England during the Spanish Armada?

What were the major factors that contributed to the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

What impact did the Spanish Armada have on the Protestant-Catholic conflict in Europe?

What important lesson was learned from the Spanish Armada?

How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada impact England's relationship with other European nations?

What were some long-term effects of the Spanish Armada?

What role did geography play in the Spanish Armada's defeat?

What was the significance of the Spanish Armada's defeat for Europe?

How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada impact England's economy?

Who was the commander of the Spanish Armada?

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