Flashcards on Special Relativity

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Who is credited with developing the theory of Special Relativity?

Albert Einstein

What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

299,792,458 meters per second

What is the postulate of Special Relativity?

The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.

What is time dilation?

The phenomenon where time appears to run slower in a moving frame of reference.

What is length contraction?

The phenomenon where the length of an object contracts in the direction of its motion.

What is the famous equation from Special Relativity?

E = mc^2

What is the principle of relativity?

The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.

What is the concept of simultaneity?

The idea that events happening at the same time in one frame of reference may not be simultaneous in another frame of reference.

What is the twin paradox in Special Relativity?

The phenomenon where one twin ages slower than the other due to time dilation.

What is the Lorentz transformation?

A mathematical formula that relates the measurements of space and time between two reference frames moving relative to each other.

In which year was Albert Einstein's theory of Special Relativity published?


What is the concept of causality in Special Relativity?

The principle that cause and effect relationships cannot be violated, even in different reference frames.

What are the two postulates of Special Relativity?

The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames, and the speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all observers.

What is the concept of relativistic mass?

The mass of an object increases with its velocity.

What is the concept of spacetime in Special Relativity?

The combined entity of space and time, which is treated as a unified four-dimensional continuum.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who developed the theory of Special Relativity?

What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

What does E = mc^2 represent?

What is the principle of relativity?

What is time dilation?

What is length contraction?

What is the concept of simultaneity?

What is the Lorentz transformation?

What is the twin paradox in Special Relativity?

What are the two postulates of Special Relativity?

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