Flashcards on Sports Physiology

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What is sports physiology?

Sports physiology is the study of how the human body functions during exercise and physical activity.

What are the benefits of studying sports physiology?

Studying sports physiology helps athletes improve their performance, prevent injuries, and optimize their training.

What factors affect athletic performance?

Factors affecting athletic performance include genetics, training, nutrition, and psychological factors.

What is the role of oxygen in sports physiology?

Oxygen is crucial for energy production in the muscles during exercise.

How does hydration impact sports performance?

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining performance, preventing cramps, and regulating body temperature.

What is anaerobic exercise?

Anaerobic exercise is high-intensity physical activity that relies on energy sources without the presence of oxygen.

What is the impact of sleep on athletic performance?

Adequate sleep is vital for muscle recovery, hormonal balance, and cognitive function, all of which contribute to athletic performance.

What is the role of core strength in sports physiology?

Core strength is essential for stability, balance, and power generation in athletic movements.

How does altitude affect athletic performance?

Exercising at high altitudes can enhance aerobic capacity and red blood cell production, leading to improved performance at sea level.

What is the significance of warm-up and cool-down exercises?

Warm-up exercises prepare the body for physical exertion, while cool-down exercises aid in recovery and reduce the risk of injury.

What is the role of nutrition in sports physiology?

Proper nutrition provides the fuel and nutrients necessary for optimal athletic performance, recovery, and muscle growth.

What is VO2 max?

VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can utilize during intense exercise and is a measure of cardiovascular fitness.

What is the impact of temperature on athletic performance?

Extreme temperatures can affect an athlete's performance and lead to heat exhaustion or hypothermia if not properly managed.

What is the role of flexibility in sports physiology?

Flexibility enhances athletic performance, reduces the risk of injuries, and promotes better movement efficiency.

What is the significance of recovery in sports physiology?

Proper recovery strategies, such as rest, nutrition, and active recovery techniques, are essential for muscle repair and adaptation.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the study of how the human body functions during exercise and physical activity?

Why is proper hydration important for sports performance?

What energy sources does anaerobic exercise rely on?

Why is core strength important for athletic performance?

What does VO2 max measure?

How does altitude training benefit athletes?

What is the purpose of warm-up exercises?

How does nutrition impact athletic performance?

What is the measure of cardiovascular fitness?

Why is flexibility important for athletes?

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