Flashcards on Stages of Cognitive Development in Children

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What is the second stage of cognitive development in children?

The second stage is the pre-operational stage.

What are the characteristics of the pre-operational stage?

The pre-operational stage is characterized by the emergence of language, egocentrism, and lack of conservation.

What is egocentrism in terms of cognitive development?

Egocentrism refers to the child's tendency to only consider their own perspective and difficulty understanding the perspectives of others.

What is conservation?

Conservation refers to the child's understanding that certain properties of objects, such as volume or mass, remain the same despite changes in appearance.

What is animism?

Animism is the belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and intentions.

What is the age range for the second stage of cognitive development?

The second stage, pre-operational stage, occurs between the ages of 2 and 7 years.

What is the major cognitive milestone in the pre-operational stage?

The major cognitive milestone in the pre-operational stage is symbolic thought.

What is the main limitation of the pre-operational stage?

The main limitation is that children in this stage cannot engage in operational thinking or logical reasoning.

What is the difference between the pre-conceptual stage and the intuitive stage?

The pre-conceptual stage (2-4 years) involves simple classification based on a single attribute like color, while the intuitive stage (4-7 years) allows for more complex classifications based on guesswork.

What is the main cognitive development in the intuitive stage?

In the intuitive stage, children can make more complex classifications and understand cause and effect relationships based on intuition rather than logic.

What is the term used for the increasing focus on the self during the pre-operational stage?

The term used is egocentrism.

What is a common misconception in the pre-operational stage regarding weight and floating?

Children in this stage may believe that larger objects are heavier and will sink, while smaller objects are lighter and will float.

What is the term for giving human-like characteristics to inanimate objects in the pre-operational stage?

The term used is animism.

What type of thinking dominates in the pre-operational stage?

In the pre-operational stage, thinking is primarily intuitive rather than logical.

What is the relationship between language development and the pre-operational stage?

The pre-operational stage is marked by a significant increase in language development and the use of symbolic language.

What is the term for the child's ability to mentally represent objects and events in the pre-operational stage?

The term used is symbolic thought.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the second stage of cognitive development in children?

What is egocentrism in terms of cognitive development?

Which stage is characterized by the emergence of language and egocentrism?

What is conservation?

What is animism in the context of the pre-operational stage?

At what age does the pre-operational stage begin?

What is the main cognitive milestone in the pre-operational stage?

What is the main limitation of the pre-operational stage?

What is the term for giving human-like characteristics to inanimate objects?

What type of thinking dominates in the pre-operational stage?

What is the relationship between language development and the pre-operational stage?

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