Flashcards on Steam Engine and the Industrial Revolution

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Who invented the steam engine?

James Watt

In which century did the Industrial Revolution take place?

18th century

What did the steam engine replace as the main source of power?

Water and wind mills

In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?


What was the impact of steam engine on transportation?

Revolutionized transportation with the development of locomotives and steamships

What fueled the steam engine during the Industrial Revolution?


How did the steam engine contribute to factory production?

Increased efficiency and productivity

What were some other inventions of the Industrial Revolution?

Spinning jenny, power loom, cotton gin

What were the social effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Rise of urbanization, poor working conditions, and class divisions

What was the significance of the steam engine?

It played a key role in powering the Industrial Revolution and transforming society

Who improved the efficiency of the steam engine?

James Watt

What new industries emerged during the Industrial Revolution?

Textile manufacturing, iron and steel production, coal mining

How did the steam engine impact agriculture?

Enabled faster and more efficient mechanized farming

What was the role of the steam engine in the development of railroads?

Steam locomotives revolutionized rail transport

What were some challenges faced by workers during the Industrial Revolution?

Long hours, low wages, dangerous working conditions


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Test Your Knowledge

Who invented the steam engine?

In which century did the Industrial Revolution take place?

What fueled the steam engine during the Industrial Revolution?

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

What was the impact of the steam engine on transportation?

What was the main power source before the steam engine?

What were some other inventions of the Industrial Revolution?

What were the social effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Who improved the efficiency of the steam engine?

What new industries emerged during the Industrial Revolution?

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