Flashcards on Stem Cells and Regeneration

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What are stem cells?

Undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into specialized cell types

What is regeneration?

The process of renewal, restoration, or growth that makes damaged or lost tissue functional again

What are the two main types of stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells

Where are embryonic stem cells derived from?


Where are adult stem cells found?

In various tissues and organs of the body

What are the potential uses of stem cells in medicine?

Regenerative medicine, drug testing, and disease modeling

What is the process of differentiation?

The process by which stem cells develop into specialized cell types

What is the ethical controversy surrounding embryonic stem cell research?

The destruction of human embryos to obtain embryonic stem cells

What is tissue engineering?

The field that combines stem cells, biomaterials, and engineering to create functional tissues

What is the potential of stem cells in treating diseases?

The potential to replace or repair damaged tissues and organs

What is the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer?

Transferring the nucleus of an adult somatic cell into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed

What are induced pluripotent stem cells?

Adult cells that have been reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state

What is the role of stem cells in organ transplantation?

Stem cells can help regenerate damaged organs for transplantation

What is the function of stem cells in the body?

Repair and replenish damaged tissues

What are the challenges in using stem cells for regenerative medicine?

Issues with immune rejection, tumor formation, and controlling differentiation


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Test Your Knowledge

What are stem cells primarily known for?

Which type of stem cells can be derived from embryos?

What is the main goal of regenerative medicine?

What is the process of converting a stem cell into a specific cell type called?

What is the major ethical concern associated with embryonic stem cell research?

Which field combines stem cells, biomaterials, and engineering to create functional tissues?

What is the potential benefit of induced pluripotent stem cells?

What role can stem cells play in organ transplantation?

What are the potential challenges in using stem cells for regenerative medicine?

What is the main function of stem cells in the body?

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