Flashcards on Sustainable Agriculture

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What is sustainable agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture refers to the practice of farming in a way that conserves the environment, promotes social responsibility, and ensures economic viability.

What are the key principles of sustainable agriculture?

The key principles of sustainable agriculture include biodiversity, soil protection, water conservation, waste reduction, and animal welfare.

How does sustainable agriculture benefit the environment?

Sustainable agriculture helps reduce soil erosion, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, while promoting biodiversity and preserving natural resources.

What are some sustainable farming practices?

Examples of sustainable farming practices include organic farming, crop rotation, agroforestry, integrated pest management, and conservation tillage.

Why is sustainable agriculture important?

Sustainable agriculture ensures long-term food security, protects ecosystems, supports rural communities, and mitigates the negative impacts of climate change.

What is the role of agroecology in sustainable agriculture?

Agroecology is a scientific approach that integrates ecological principles into agricultural systems, promoting sustainable farming practices and resilient ecosystems.

How can sustainable agriculture contribute to food security?

Sustainable agriculture enhances soil fertility, increases crop yields, and promotes diverse and nutritious food production, ensuring access to healthy food for all.

What are the economic benefits of sustainable agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture can improve farmers' income, create job opportunities, stimulate local economies, and reduce the reliance on costly inputs.

How can consumers support sustainable agriculture?

Consumers can support sustainable agriculture by buying locally produced food, choosing organic and fair trade products, and advocating for policies that promote sustainable farming practices.

What role does sustainable agriculture play in combating climate change?

Sustainable agriculture practices, such as carbon sequestration in soils and reducing deforestation, contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

What is the concept of agroforestry?

Agroforestry is a sustainable land use system that combines tree cultivation with agricultural crops, livestock, or both, providing multiple economic and ecological benefits.

What are some benefits of organic farming?

Organic farming promotes soil health, reduces chemical pollution, protects biodiversity, and produces food without synthetic pesticides or genetically modified organisms.

What is the role of integrated pest management in sustainable agriculture?

Integrated pest management uses a combination of environmentally friendly pest control strategies, reducing reliance on chemical pesticides and minimizing harm to beneficial organisms.

How does sustainable agriculture promote water conservation?

Sustainable agriculture utilizes efficient irrigation techniques, reduces water waste, and protects water quality through measures like proper drainage and waterway management.

What is the importance of biodiversity in sustainable agriculture?

Biodiversity in sustainable agriculture enhances ecosystem resilience, improves soil fertility, supports natural pest control, and ensures long-term food security.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is sustainable agriculture?

What are the key principles of sustainable agriculture?

How does sustainable agriculture benefit the environment?

What are some sustainable farming practices?

Why is sustainable agriculture important?

What is agroecology?

How can sustainable agriculture contribute to food security?

What are the economic benefits of sustainable agriculture?

How can consumers support sustainable agriculture?

What role does sustainable agriculture play in combating climate change?

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