Flashcards on Sustainable Agriculture

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What is sustainable agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture is a farming practice that aims to meet the present needs of food production without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Why is sustainable agriculture important?

Sustainable agriculture helps protect the environment, conserve resources, promote biodiversity, and ensure long-term food security.

What are the principles of sustainable agriculture?

The principles of sustainable agriculture include soil conservation, water management, biodiversity preservation, and minimal use of chemical inputs.

What are some sustainable farming techniques?

Some sustainable farming techniques include crop rotation, organic farming, agroforestry, and integrated pest management.

How does sustainable agriculture reduce environmental impact?

Sustainable agriculture reduces environmental impact by minimizing soil erosion, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

What is the role of technology in sustainable agriculture?

Technology plays a significant role in sustainable agriculture by improving efficiency, precision, and monitoring of farming practices.

What is the importance of biodiversity in sustainable agriculture?

Biodiversity is crucial in sustainable agriculture as it promotes natural pest control, pollination, and nutrient cycling.

What are the benefits of sustainable agriculture for farmers?

Benefits of sustainable agriculture for farmers include improved soil health, reduced dependency on chemicals, and diversified income sources.

What challenges are associated with sustainable agriculture?

Challenges of sustainable agriculture include high initial costs, limited access to resources, and the need for farmer education and training.

How does sustainable agriculture contribute to food security?

Sustainable agriculture ensures long-term food security by enhancing the resilience of farming systems and reducing dependency on external inputs.

What is the difference between sustainable agriculture and conventional agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture focuses on environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability, while conventional agriculture places emphasis on high yields and profit.

What is agroforestry and how does it relate to sustainable agriculture?

Agroforestry is a sustainable farming practice that involves growing trees alongside crops or livestock, providing multiple benefits such as shade, soil enrichment, and biodiversity conservation.

Why is soil conservation important in sustainable agriculture?

Soil conservation is vital in sustainable agriculture as it helps maintain soil fertility, prevent erosion, and preserve the overall health of the ecosystem.

What are the potential economic benefits of sustainable agriculture?

Potential economic benefits of sustainable agriculture include reduced input costs, improved market opportunities for organic and ethically produced products, and enhanced rural development.

What is integrated pest management and how does it support sustainable agriculture?

Integrated pest management is an approach that combines various pest control strategies to minimize reliance on chemical pesticides, reduce environmental impact, and promote ecological balance.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the main goal of sustainable agriculture?

Which farming technique is considered sustainable?

What is the role of technology in sustainable agriculture?

Why is biodiversity important in sustainable agriculture?

What are some benefits of sustainable agriculture for farmers?

What challenges are associated with sustainable agriculture?

How does sustainable agriculture contribute to food security?

What is the difference between sustainable agriculture and conventional agriculture?

What is agroforestry and how does it relate to sustainable agriculture?

Why is soil conservation important in sustainable agriculture?

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