Flashcards on The First Industrial Revolution

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When did the First Industrial Revolution occur?

Late 18th century to early 19th century

Where did the First Industrial Revolution start?

Great Britain

What was the main catalyst for the First Industrial Revolution?

Inventions and advancements in technology

What were the major industries during the First Industrial Revolution?

Textiles, iron, coal mining

What impact did the First Industrial Revolution have on the agricultural sector?

Agriculture became more mechanized and efficient

What social changes occurred during the First Industrial Revolution?

Rise of urbanization, creation of new social classes, labor movements

Who were key inventors during the First Industrial Revolution?

James Watt, Eli Whitney, George Stephenson

What were the consequences of the First Industrial Revolution?

Economic growth, improved living standards, environmental pollution

What was the impact of the steam engine on transportation during the First Industrial Revolution?

It revolutionized transportation by enabling the development of railways and steamships

How did the working conditions change during the First Industrial Revolution?

Long hours, low wages, dangerous working conditions

What are some key characteristics of the First Industrial Revolution?

Factory system, mass production, urbanization

What role did child labor play in the First Industrial Revolution?

Children were often employed in factories and mines, facing harsh conditions

What advancements in communication occurred during the First Industrial Revolution?

Invention of the telegraph, improvement in printing press

How did the population change during the First Industrial Revolution?

Population growth, especially in urban areas

What impact did the First Industrial Revolution have on global trade?

Expansion of international trade and colonization


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What were the major industries during the First Industrial Revolution?

What is the time range of the First Industrial Revolution?

Where did the First Industrial Revolution start?

What were the consequences of the First Industrial Revolution?

Who were key inventors during the First Industrial Revolution?

What was the impact of the steam engine on transportation during the First Industrial Revolution?

How did the working conditions change during the First Industrial Revolution?

What are some key characteristics of the First Industrial Revolution?

What role did child labor play in the First Industrial Revolution?

What impact did the First Industrial Revolution have on global trade?

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