Flashcards on The First Thanksgiving

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When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?


Where was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Who were the Pilgrims?

English settlers who founded the Plymouth Colony

Who were the Native Americans present at the first Thanksgiving?

The Wampanoag tribe

What was the purpose of the first Thanksgiving?

To give thanks for a successful harvest

What food was typically served at the first Thanksgiving?

Wild turkey, venison, fish, corn, and pumpkin

Who is credited with initiating the concept of Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

Sarah Josepha Hale

When did Thanksgiving become a national holiday in the United States?


What president officially declared Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

Abraham Lincoln

Why is the story of the first Thanksgiving significant?

It symbolizes cooperation and peace between settlers and Native Americans

How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?

Three days

What ship did the Pilgrims sail on to reach Plymouth Colony?

The Mayflower

What were the Pilgrims seeking in the New World?

Religious freedom

Who served as the interpreter between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe?


What other European settlers established colonies in North America before the Pilgrims?

The Spanish and the French


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Test Your Knowledge

How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?

Who is credited with initiating the concept of Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

What ship did the Pilgrims sail on to reach Plymouth Colony?

Why is the story of the first Thanksgiving significant?

Where was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

Who were the Native Americans present at the first Thanksgiving?

Who served as the interpreter between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe?

What food was typically served at the first Thanksgiving?

When did Thanksgiving become a national holiday in the United States?

What were the Pilgrims seeking in the New World?

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