Flashcards on The Industrial Revolution in Britain

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What does the term 'industrial revolution' refer to?

The period of dramatic technological, socioeconomic, and cultural changes in Britain between 1750 and 1850.

What factors contributed to the industrialization in Britain?

Abundance of natural and financial resources, technological innovations, and a dense population.

Who invented the water-operated spinning jenny?

Richard Arkwright

What invention allowed the mass production of textiles?

Water-operated spinning jenny

When was Watt's steam engine introduced?


What improvement did Watt's steam condenser bring to the steam engine?

It made engines more powerful and independent of water power.

Who produced Watt's engine on a large scale?

Matthew Boulton

How did industrialization impact the social structure?

It led to the development of industrial towns, difficult living conditions, new professions, and the rise of the middle class.

Where did people migrate to during the industrial revolution?

Areas with factories and mines

What did the industrial revolution facilitate the organization of?

Trade unions

Which natural resources were abundant in Britain during the industrial revolution?

Coal, iron, and water

What led to the rise of new professions during industrialization?

Industrial growth and concentration of workers in factories or mines

How did the industrial revolution affect children's life expectancy?

It increased

What were the living and working conditions like during the industrial revolution?

Extremely difficult

What was the crucial factor for industrialization in Britain?

The rapidly increasing number of technological innovations


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the industrial revolution take place in Britain?

Who invented the water-operated spinning jenny?

What invention made mass production of textiles possible?

When was Watt's steam engine introduced?

Who produced Watt's engine on a large scale?

Where did people migrate to during the industrial revolution?

What did the industrial revolution facilitate the organization of?

Which natural resources were abundant in Britain during the industrial revolution?

What led to the rise of new professions during industrialization?

How did the industrial revolution affect children's life expectancy?

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