Flashcards on The Lublin Union

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What was the Lublin Union?

An agreement signed in 1569 that united the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into a single state called the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

When was the Lublin Union signed?


Which countries were united by the Lublin Union?

The Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

What was the new state called after the Lublin Union?

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Who signed the Lublin Union?

Representatives of the Polish and Lithuanian nobility

What were the main goals of the Lublin Union?

To strengthen the defense against external threats, form a common foreign policy, and establish a constitutional framework for governing the Commonwealth

What impact did the Lublin Union have on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

It led to a period of political and cultural growth, making the Commonwealth one of the largest and most powerful countries in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Which countries were neighboring the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after the Lublin Union?

Russia, Sweden, the Ottoman Empire

What were the official languages of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

Polish and Ruthenian (Old Belarusian and Ukrainian dialect)

What religious freedom was granted by the Lublin Union?

The Union granted religious tolerance to the different Christian denominations within the Commonwealth.

Which monarch initiated the process of the Lublin Union?

Sigismund II Augustus of Poland


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Test Your Knowledge

What was the main purpose of the Lublin Union?

When was the Lublin Union signed?

Which countries were united by the Lublin Union?

What was the new state called after the Lublin Union?

Who signed the Lublin Union?

What impact did the Lublin Union have on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

Which countries were neighboring the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after the Lublin Union?

What were the official languages of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

What religious freedom was granted by the Lublin Union?

Which monarch initiated the process of the Lublin Union?

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