Flashcards on The Ottoman Empire: Rise and Expansion

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When did the Ottoman Empire rise to power?

The 13th century

Who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire?

Osman I

Which city became the capital of the Ottoman Empire?


What territory did the Ottoman Empire initially control?


What was the religion of the Ottoman Empire?


Which empire did the Ottomans replace in the Middle East?

Byzantine Empire

Who was the most famous Ottoman sultan known for his conquests?

Suleiman the Magnificent

Which territories were conquered by the Ottoman Empire during its expansion?

Balkans, North Africa, Middle East

How long did the Ottoman Empire exist?

Approximately 600 years

What were the major contributions of the Ottoman Empire?

Art, architecture, legal reforms

Which European powers challenged the Ottoman Empire's expansion?

Austria, Russia, Venice

What was the official language of the Ottoman Empire?


Who signed treaties that resulted in the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

Treaty of Karlowitz, Treaty of Passarowitz

What factors contributed to the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

Internal conflicts, military defeats, economic decline

When did the Ottoman Empire officially end?



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Test Your Knowledge

Who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire?

When did the Ottoman Empire rise to power?

Which religion was predominant in the Ottoman Empire?

What was the capital city of the Ottoman Empire?

Who was the most famous Ottoman sultan known for his conquests?

Which territories were conquered by the Ottoman Empire?

What was the language spoken in the Ottoman Empire?

Which empire did the Ottomans replace in the Middle East?

Which European powers challenged the Ottoman Empire's expansion?

When did the Ottoman Empire officially end?

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