Flashcards on The Persian Empire and the Battle of Marathon

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Who ruled the Persian Empire during the Battle of Marathon?

Darius I

Which city-state of ancient Greece fought against the Persian Empire in the Battle of Marathon?


Which Greek general led the Athenian army in the Battle of Marathon?


What was the outcome of the Battle of Marathon?

A Greek victory

When did the Battle of Marathon take place?

490 BCE

Which group of Persian soldiers were known for their elite fighting skills?

The Immortals

Who was the king of the Persian Empire at the time of the Battle of Marathon?

Darius I

Which Greek city-state sent messengers to seek help from Sparta before the Battle of Marathon?


What was the distance between Athens and the battlefield of Marathon?

About 42 kilometers

Why did Darius I of Persia decide to invade Greece?

To punish Athens and Eretria for their support of the Ionian Revolt

Which side had the numerical advantage in the Battle of Marathon?

The Persians

Who emerged as the hero of the Battle of Marathon?


What was the strategy used by the Greeks in the Battle of Marathon?

They formed a stronger center and weaker flanks to lure the Persians into their trap.

Which Greek god was believed to have aided the Greeks in their victory at the Battle of Marathon?


Who became the king of the Persian Empire after Darius I?

Xerxes I


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Test Your Knowledge

Who ruled the Persian Empire during the Battle of Marathon?

Which city-state of ancient Greece fought against the Persian Empire in the Battle of Marathon?

Who was the king of the Persian Empire at the time of the Battle of Marathon?

When did the Battle of Marathon take place?

Which Greek general led the Athenian army in the Battle of Marathon?

What was the outcome of the Battle of Marathon?

Which group of Persian soldiers were known for their elite fighting skills?

What was the distance between Athens and the battlefield of Marathon?

Who emerged as the hero of the Battle of Marathon?

What was the strategy used by the Greeks in the Battle of Marathon?

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