Flashcards on The Secret Laws of the Universe

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What is the Law of Attraction?

The belief that positive or negative thoughts can bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.

What is the Law of Vibration?

The concept that everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency.

What is the Law of Cause and Effect?

The principle that every action has a corresponding reaction.

What is the Law of Correspondence?

The idea that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world.

What is the Law of Polarity?

The concept that everything has an opposite and that opposites are necessary for growth.

What is the Law of Rhythm?

The understanding that everything in life has its own natural rhythm and flow.

What is the Law of Gender?

The recognition that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine qualities.

What is the Law of Divine Oneness?

The understanding that we are all connected to each other and to the universe.

What is the Law of Mentalism?

The belief that the universe is created through the power of the mind.

What is the Law of Transmutation?

The understanding that we have the power to transform our thoughts and energy into physical form.

What is the Law of Belief?

The principle that our beliefs shape our reality.

What is the Law of Gratitude?

The practice of expressing appreciation and thankfulness for what we have.

What is the Law of Forgiveness?

The act of letting go of resentment and allowing healing and growth.

What is the Law of Abundance?

The belief that there is more than enough for everyone to prosper and thrive.

What is the Law of Action?

The principle that taking action is necessary to manifest desires.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which law states that positive or negative thoughts can bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life?

Which law states that everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency?

Which law states that every action has a corresponding reaction?

Which law states that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world?

Which law states that everything has an opposite and that opposites are necessary for growth?

Which law states that everything in life has its own natural rhythm and flow?

Which law states that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine qualities?

Which law states that we are all connected to each other and to the universe?

Which law states that the universe is created through the power of the mind?

Which law states that we have the power to transform our thoughts and energy into physical form?

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