Flashcards on The Spanish Inquisition

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When did the Spanish Inquisition take place?

15th to 19th centuries

Who established the Spanish Inquisition?

Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile

What was the primary purpose of the Spanish Inquisition?

To maintain religious uniformity and eliminate heresy

Where did the Spanish Inquisition primarily take place?


Which religious group was specifically targeted during the Spanish Inquisition?

Jewish people

How were individuals accused of heresy treated by the Spanish Inquisition?

They were subjected to torture and often executed

What organization was responsible for carrying out investigations and trials during the Spanish Inquisition?

The Spanish Inquisition Tribunal

Did the Spanish Inquisition also target Muslims?

Yes, Muslims were also targeted during the Spanish Inquisition

When was the official end of the Spanish Inquisition?


What impact did the Spanish Inquisition have on Spain's population?

It led to the expulsion or conversion of many Jews and Muslims

Which pope officially approved the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition?

Pope Sixtus IV

What was the punishment for individuals found guilty of heresy by the Spanish Inquisition?

Burning at the stake

What was the name of the infamous Spanish Inquisition court in Madrid?

Supreme Council of the Inquisition

Did the Spanish Inquisition use torture to extract confessions?

Yes, torture was frequently employed by the Spanish Inquisition

What group was established to promote the expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain?

The Spanish Inquisition Order


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Test Your Knowledge

Who established the Spanish Inquisition?

When did the Spanish Inquisition take place?

What was the primary purpose of the Spanish Inquisition?

Where did the Spanish Inquisition primarily take place?

Which religious group was specifically targeted during the Spanish Inquisition?

How were individuals accused of heresy treated by the Spanish Inquisition?

What organization was responsible for carrying out investigations and trials during the Spanish Inquisition?

Did the Spanish Inquisition also target Muslims?

When was the official end of the Spanish Inquisition?

What impact did the Spanish Inquisition have on Spain's population?

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