Flashcards on The XYZ Affair

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What was the XYZ Affair?

A political and diplomatic incident between the United States and France in the late 18th century.

When did the XYZ Affair occur?

Between 1797 and 1798.

Who were the three French agents involved in the XYZ Affair?

X, Y, and Z (their names were not revealed).

Why did the XYZ Affair strain relations between the United States and France?

The French agents demanded a bribe and an apology from American diplomats.

How did the XYZ Affair impact American public opinion?

It increased anti-French sentiment and led to calls for war against France.

Who was the President of the United States during the XYZ Affair?

John Adams.

What was the result of the XYZ Affair?

The United States suspended diplomatic relations with France and increased military preparedness.

Which political party in the United States strongly criticized France during the XYZ Affair?

The Federalist Party.

What was the slogan used by Americans in response to the XYZ Affair?

Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!

How did the XYZ Affair impact the Quasi-War between the United States and France?

It escalated tensions and led to naval conflicts between the two countries.

What were the names of the American diplomats involved in the XYZ Affair?

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry.

What diplomatic mission were the American diplomats on when the XYZ Affair occurred?

They were sent to negotiate a peaceful resolution to ongoing conflicts between the United States and France.

How did the American public react to the XYZ Affair?

There was anger and outrage, with many calling for war against France.

What actions did President John Adams take in response to the XYZ Affair?

He increased military spending, expanded the navy, and implemented new taxes to fund defense measures.

What was the long-term impact of the XYZ Affair on U.S. foreign policy?

It led to a more aggressive stance towards foreign powers and a focus on national defense.


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Test Your Knowledge

In which field of study did the XYZ Affair occur?

When did the XYZ Affair take place?

Who were the French agents involved in the XYZ Affair?

What did the French agents demand from American diplomats?

What impact did the XYZ Affair have on American public opinion?

Who was the President of the United States during the XYZ Affair?

What was the result of the XYZ Affair?

Which political party criticized France during the XYZ Affair?

What was the slogan used by Americans in response to the XYZ Affair?

How did the XYZ Affair impact the Quasi-War between the United States and France?

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