Flashcards on Thomas Kuhn

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Who is Thomas Kuhn?

Thomas Samuel Kuhn was an American philosopher and historian of science.

What is Thomas Kuhn's most influential work?

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

What does Kuhn regard as the core elements of a scientific revolution?

According to Kuhn, a scientific revolution involves a paradigm shift which changes the fundamental concepts and experimental practices of a particular scientific discipline.

What is Kuhn's view on how science grows and changes over time?

Kuhn believes that science grows and changes through a series of revolutions, where one paradigm is overthrown and replaced by another.

What is the role of anomalies for Kuhn?

Kuhn sees anomalies as a crucial factor in the process of paradigm change, since they provide the impetus for scientists to question existing paradigms and seek out new ways of understanding the world.

What is Kuhn's critique of the traditional view of scientific progress?

Kuhn argues that the traditional view of scientific progress, where theories are gradually refined and improved over time, is inadequate for understanding the dynamics of scientific change.

What is Kuhn's definition of a paradigm?

Kuhn defines a paradigm as the set of shared assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that define a scientific discipline at a given time.

What is Kuhn's view on scientific revolutions?

Kuhn sees scientific revolutions as a normal and necessary aspect of the growth of scientific knowledge.

What is the difference between normal science and revolutionary science according to Kuhn?

Normal science involves the refinement and extension of existing scientific knowledge, while revolutionary science involves the overthrow of existing paradigms and the emergence of new ways of understanding the world.

What is a scientific paradigm according to Kuhn?

A scientific paradigm is a set of shared assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that define a scientific discipline at a given time.

What is Kuhn's view on scientific progress?

Kuhn argues that scientific progress is non-linear and unpredictable, and that it involves a complex interplay of social, political, and intellectual factors.

What is Kuhn's view on scientific objectivity?

Kuhn argues that scientific objectivity is a myth, and that scientific knowledge is always constructed within a social and historical context.

What is the role of anomalies in Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions?

Anomalies are crucial for Kuhn, since they provide the impetus for scientists to question existing paradigms and seek out new ways of understanding the world.

What is revolutionary science, according to Kuhn?

Revolutionary science involves the overthrow of existing paradigms and the emergence of new ways of understanding the world.

What is normal science, according to Kuhn?

Normal science involves the refinement and extension of existing scientific knowledge.

Who is Thomas Kuhn?

Thomas Samuel Kuhn was an American philosopher and historian of science.

What is Thomas Kuhn's most influential work?

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

What does Kuhn regard as the core elements of a scientific revolution?

According to Kuhn, a scientific revolution involves a paradigm shift which changes the fundamental concepts and experimental practices of a particular scientific discipline.

What is Kuhn's view on how science grows and changes over time?

Kuhn believes that science grows and changes through a series of revolutions, where one paradigm is overthrown and replaced by another.

What is the role of anomalies for Kuhn?

Kuhn sees anomalies as a crucial factor in the process of paradigm change, since they provide the impetus for scientists to question existing paradigms and seek out new ways of understanding the world.

What is Kuhn's critique of the traditional view of scientific progress?

Kuhn argues that the traditional view of scientific progress, where theories are gradually refined and improved over time, is inadequate for understanding the dynamics of scientific change.

What is Kuhn's definition of a paradigm?

Kuhn defines a paradigm as the set of shared assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that define a scientific discipline at a given time.

What is Kuhn's view on scientific revolutions?

Kuhn sees scientific revolutions as a normal and necessary aspect of the growth of scientific knowledge.

What is the difference between normal science and revolutionary science according to Kuhn?

Normal science involves the refinement and extension of existing scientific knowledge, while revolutionary science involves the overthrow of existing paradigms and the emergence of new ways of understanding the world.

What is a scientific paradigm according to Kuhn?

A scientific paradigm is a set of shared assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that define a scientific discipline at a given time.

What is Kuhn's view on scientific progress?

Kuhn argues that scientific progress is non-linear and unpredictable, and that it involves a complex interplay of social, political, and intellectual factors.

What is Kuhn's view on scientific objectivity?

Kuhn argues that scientific objectivity is a myth, and that scientific knowledge is always constructed within a social and historical context.

What is the role of anomalies in Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions?

Anomalies are crucial for Kuhn, since they provide the impetus for scientists to question existing paradigms and seek out new ways of understanding the world.

What is revolutionary science, according to Kuhn?

Revolutionary science involves the overthrow of existing paradigms and the emergence of new ways of understanding the world.

What is normal science, according to Kuhn?

Normal science involves the refinement and extension of existing scientific knowledge.


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