Flashcards on Types of Human Rights

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What are the three generations of human rights classifications proposed by Karel Vasak?

The First Generation, The Second Generation, and The Third Generation

Which slogans from the French Revolution are associated with the three generations of human rights?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

What are the rights included in the First Generation of Rights?

Civil and Political Rights

Which rights are considered as the First Generation of Liberty Rights?

Civil and Political Rights

What is the focus of the First Generation of Rights?

Protection of individuals from the arbitrary exercise of police power

What are the rights included in the Second Generation of Rights?

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

What are the rights also known as the Second Generation of Equality Rights?

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

Why did the recognition of the Second Generation of Rights start?

To emphasize the importance of economic, social, and cultural rights

What are the rights included in the Third Generation of Rights?

Solidarity Rights or Collective Rights

What is another name for the Third Generation of Rights?

Solidarity Rights or Collective Rights


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Which generation of rights primarily focuses on protecting individuals from arbitrary police power?

What are the slogans from the French Revolution associated with the three generations of human rights?

Which generation of rights emphasizes the importance of economic, social, and cultural rights?

What kind of rights are included in the First Generation of Rights?

What kind of rights are included in the Second Generation of Rights?

What kind of rights are included in the Third Generation of Rights?

What is the focus of the Second Generation of Rights?

Which generation of rights is also known as the Second Generation of Equality Rights?

What is another name for the First Generation of Rights?

Which generation of rights primarily focuses on solidarity and collective rights?

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