Flashcards on Vietnam War and Anti-War Protests

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When did the Vietnam War start?

The Vietnam War started in 1955.

Which countries were involved in the Vietnam War?

The primary countries involved in the Vietnam War were the United States and North Vietnam.

Name a major protest movement against the Vietnam War.

The Youth International Party, also known as the Yippies, was a prominent protest movement against the Vietnam War.

Who was the President of the United States during the Vietnam War?

Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon were the Presidents of the United States during the Vietnam War.

Which event led to a major escalation of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?

The Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 led to a major escalation of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

Who was the leader of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War?

Ho Chi Minh was the leader of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

What was the main reason for the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War?

The United States aimed to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.

Which country provided military and financial support to North Vietnam during the war?

The Soviet Union and China provided military and financial support to North Vietnam during the war.

What was the impact of the Vietnam War on American society?

The Vietnam War caused a deep divide within American society and sparked widespread anti-war sentiment.

Which famous protest song was associated with the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War?

The song 'Give Peace a Chance' by John Lennon became an anthem for the anti-war movement.

How did the Vietnam War end?

The Vietnam War ended with the fall of Saigon and the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.

What was the Pentagon Papers?

The Pentagon Papers were a classified study of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, leaked by Daniel Ellsberg.

Which U.S. policy was used to justify the American involvement in the Vietnam War?

The Domino Theory was used to justify the American involvement in the Vietnam War.

What was the significance of the My Lai Massacre during the Vietnam War?

The My Lai Massacre shocked the world and raised awareness of the atrocities committed by U.S. soldiers in Vietnam.

Which anti-war movement staged the March on the Pentagon in 1967?

The Vietnam Moratorium Committee organized the March on the Pentagon in 1967.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which country was the main opponent of the United States in the Vietnam War?

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Who leaked the Pentagon Papers?

Which country provided military and financial support to the United States during the Vietnam War?

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