Flashcards on Vivaldi

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What instrument did Vivaldi primarily play?

The violin

What was Vivaldi's most famous work?

The Four Seasons

When was Vivaldi born?

March 4, 1678

What nationality was Vivaldi?


How many concertos did Vivaldi compose?

Over 500

What was Vivaldi's nickname?

The Red Priest

What other instrument was Vivaldi skilled at playing?

The cello

Which famous composer did Vivaldi influence?

Johann Sebastian Bach

In what year did Vivaldi pass away?


What type of music is Vivaldi famous for composing?

Baroque music

What was Vivaldi's father's profession?

A barber and a professional violinist

What is unusual about many of Vivaldi's compositions?

He often included descriptive sonnets to accompany the music

What was the name of the music school that Vivaldi worked at for many years?

Pio Ospedale della Pietà

What famous musician wrote a tribute to Vivaldi titled 'L'estro armonico'?

Johann Sebastian Bach

What is the name of the movement in Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons' that features a barking dog?

The Hunt

What instrument did Vivaldi primarily play?

The violin

What was Vivaldi's most famous work?

The Four Seasons

When was Vivaldi born?

March 4, 1678

What nationality was Vivaldi?


How many concertos did Vivaldi compose?

Over 500

What was Vivaldi's nickname?

The Red Priest

What other instrument was Vivaldi skilled at playing?

The cello

Which famous composer did Vivaldi influence?

Johann Sebastian Bach

In what year did Vivaldi pass away?


What type of music is Vivaldi famous for composing?

Baroque music

What was Vivaldi's father's profession?

A barber and a professional violinist

What is unusual about many of Vivaldi's compositions?

He often included descriptive sonnets to accompany the music

What was the name of the music school that Vivaldi worked at for many years?

Pio Ospedale della Pietà

What famous musician wrote a tribute to Vivaldi titled 'L'estro armonico'?

Johann Sebastian Bach

What is the name of the movement in Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons' that features a barking dog?

The Hunt


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