Flashcards on Word Stress Patterns

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What is word stress?

The emphasis on a particular syllable in a word.

How does word stress affect the meaning of a word?

Word stress can change the meaning of a word.

What are the two main types of word stress in English?

Primary stress and secondary stress.

How do you determine the primary stress in a word?

Primary stress is usually placed on the first syllable of a word.

What is secondary stress?

Secondary stress is a weaker stress than primary stress.

In compound words, where is the primary stress usually placed?

The primary stress is usually placed on the first syllable of the base word.

Are there any general rules for word stress in English?

No, word stress in English is not completely predictable and often depends on the origin of the word and its syllable structure.

Give an example of a word with primary stress on the second syllable.


What is the importance of word stress in spoken English?

Word stress helps convey meaning and can make speech more natural and intelligible.

Why is learning word stress patterns important for language learners?

Correct word stress can enhance pronunciation and understanding of words.

What is the purpose of using stress marks in phonetic transcriptions?

Stress marks indicate the syllable with primary stress in a word.

How can syllable division help determine word stress?

Word stress is often placed on the syllable that carries the vowel sound.

What are some common word stress patterns in English?

Some common word stress patterns include words with suffixes like -ness, -tion, -ous, -ic, etc.

Do all languages have word stress?

No, not all languages use word stress to convey meaning.

How does word stress differ in English and Ukrainian?

Word stress patterns in English and Ukrainian are different, and learners of English may need to adjust their pronunciation accordingly.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the purpose of word stress in English?

How many main types of word stress are there in English?

Where is primary stress usually placed in compound words?

Are there any general rules for word stress in English?

What does word stress help convey in spoken English?

In which language is stress determined by the pitch of a syllable?

What can incorrect word stress lead to?

Where are stress marks placed in phonetic transcriptions?

What can help determine word stress in English?

Do all languages use word stress to convey meaning?

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