Flashcards on Yalta and Potsdam Conferences: Post-WWII Plans

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When did the Yalta Conference take place?

February 1945

When did the Potsdam Conference take place?

July 1945

Which three leaders attended the Yalta Conference?

Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin

Which three leaders attended the Potsdam Conference?

Clement Attlee, Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin

What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference?

To discuss the post-WWII reorganization of Europe

What was the purpose of the Potsdam Conference?

To address the post-WWII issues and discuss the administration of Germany

What were the main outcomes of the Yalta Conference?

Establishment of the United Nations and division of Germany into occupation zones

What were the main outcomes of the Potsdam Conference?

Policies for the treatment of Germany and plans for its demilitarization

Which country was a major point of disagreement between the leaders at the Yalta Conference?


Which country was a major point of disagreement between the leaders at the Potsdam Conference?


Which two leaders were replaced during the transition from the Yalta to the Potsdam Conference?

Franklin D. Roosevelt (replaced by Harry S. Truman) and Winston Churchill (replaced by Clement Attlee)


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Yalta Conference take place?

Which country was a major point of disagreement between the leaders at the Potsdam Conference?

Who attended the Yalta Conference?

What was the purpose of the Potsdam Conference?

What were the main outcomes of the Yalta Conference?

Which two leaders were replaced during the transition from the Yalta to the Potsdam Conference?

What did the Potsdam Conference decide about the administration of Germany?

Which country's borders were redrawn at the Yalta Conference?

What policies were discussed at the Potsdam Conference?

What was the main topic of disagreement at the Yalta Conference?

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