Flashcards on Yaroslav the Wise

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Who was known as Yaroslav the Wise?

Yaroslav I

Which grade II title is associated with Yaroslav?


Which century did Yaroslav the Wise rule in?

11th century

Which country was Yaroslav the Wise the ruler of?

Kyivan Rus

Yaroslav the Wise was known for his codification of laws. True or false?


What was the official religion during Yaroslav's rule?


Yaroslav the Wise is often considered one of the greatest rulers in the history of which country?


During Yaroslav's reign, Kyiv became a major center for which art form?


Which famous monument in Kyiv was built by Yaroslav the Wise?

Saint Sophia Cathedral

Yaroslav the Wise was succeeded by which of his sons?


Yaroslav the Wise was born in which year?


Which famous epic poem was written during Yaroslav's rule?

The Tale of Igor's Campaign

Which European king sought Yaroslav's daughter's hand in marriage?

Harald Hardrada

What was the nickname given to Yaroslav the Wise due to his extensive knowledge?


Yaroslav the Wise initiated commercial treaties with which European power?

Byzantine Empire


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Yaroslav the Wise is associated with which country?

Yaroslav the Wise was known for his expertise in which field?

Which famous monument in Kyiv was built by Yaroslav the Wise?

Yaroslav the Wise is often considered one of the greatest rulers in the history of which country?

Which century did Yaroslav the Wise rule in?

Which famous epic poem was written during Yaroslav's rule?

Yaroslav the Wise was known for his codification of laws. True or false?

During Yaroslav's reign, Kyiv became a major center for which art form?

Yaroslav the Wise initiated commercial treaties with which European power?

Which grade II title is associated with Yaroslav?

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