Flashcards on Yellow Vest Protests: France

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When did the Yellow Vest protests begin?

November 2018

What were the Yellow Vest protests in France mainly about?

Rising fuel prices and living costs

Who initiated the Yellow Vest protests?

A grassroots movement

What color vests did the protesters wear?


Which famous landmark often became a focal point for protests in Paris?

Arc de Triomphe

What were some demands of the Yellow Vest protesters?

Lower taxes, higher minimum wages, and resignation of President Macron

Did the Yellow Vest movement have any specific leaders?

No, it was a leaderless movement

How did the French government initially respond to the protests?

Imposing fuel tax cuts and announcing other economic measures

What was the symbol of the Yellow Vest movement?

A high-visibility yellow vest

Did the Yellow Vest protests spread to other countries?

Yes, they inspired similar movements in other countries

How did the Yellow Vest protests impact President Macron's popularity?

His approval ratings significantly declined

Did the Yellow Vest movement achieve all its goals?

No, some demands were not fully met

What were some criticism against the Yellow Vest protests?

Violence, disruption, and lack of clear leadership

How long did the Yellow Vest protests continue?

Several months

What is the current status of the Yellow Vest movement?

It has become less visible but still exists


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Yellow Vest protests begin?

What were the Yellow Vest protests mainly about?

Which color vests did the protesters wear?

Who initiated the Yellow Vest protests?

What landmark became a focal point for protests in Paris?

What were some demands of the Yellow Vest protesters?

Did the Yellow Vest movement have any specific leaders?

How did the French government initially respond to the protests?

What was the symbol of the Yellow Vest movement?

Did the Yellow Vest protests spread to other countries?

Did the Yellow Vest movement achieve all its goals?

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