Flashcards on Yom Ha'atzmaut

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What event does Yom Ha'atzmaut commemorate?

The declaration of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

What is the Hebrew date for Yom Ha'atzmaut?

The 5th of Iyar.

How many candles are lit on the Yom Ha'atzmaut menorah?

10 candles, representing the 10 sefirot (divine attributes).

What is the significance of the Yom Ha'atzmaut siren?

The siren sounds for one minute at 11:00 am to commemorate the fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks.

What is a common food eaten on Yom Ha'atzmaut?


What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut torch lighting ceremony?

A ceremony in which 12 people light torches to symbolize unity and solidarity in Israel.

How long is Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrated in Israel?

One day.

What is the significance of the blue and white colors on the Israeli flag?

Blue represents the Nile and Euphrates rivers, while white represents peace.

What is the name of the Israeli national anthem?


What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Air Show?

An air show featuring the Israeli Air Force which takes place over the beaches of Tel Aviv.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut International Bible Quiz?

A quiz on the Hebrew Bible held annually in Israel.

What is the name of the national park where Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations take place?

Gan Sacher.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Dance Party?

A party held in Tel Aviv featuring Israeli music and dancing.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Declaration?

A statement made by David Ben-Gurion declaring the establishment of the State of Israel.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Parade?

A parade held in Jerusalem featuring Israeli military units and floats.

What event does Yom Ha'atzmaut commemorate?

The declaration of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

What is the Hebrew date for Yom Ha'atzmaut?

The 5th of Iyar.

How many candles are lit on the Yom Ha'atzmaut menorah?

10 candles, representing the 10 sefirot (divine attributes).

What is the significance of the Yom Ha'atzmaut siren?

The siren sounds for one minute at 11:00 am to commemorate the fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks.

What is a common food eaten on Yom Ha'atzmaut?


What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut torch lighting ceremony?

A ceremony in which 12 people light torches to symbolize unity and solidarity in Israel.

How long is Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrated in Israel?

One day.

What is the significance of the blue and white colors on the Israeli flag?

Blue represents the Nile and Euphrates rivers, while white represents peace.

What is the name of the Israeli national anthem?


What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Air Show?

An air show featuring the Israeli Air Force which takes place over the beaches of Tel Aviv.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut International Bible Quiz?

A quiz on the Hebrew Bible held annually in Israel.

What is the name of the national park where Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations take place?

Gan Sacher.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Dance Party?

A party held in Tel Aviv featuring Israeli music and dancing.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Declaration?

A statement made by David Ben-Gurion declaring the establishment of the State of Israel.

What is the Yom Ha'atzmaut Parade?

A parade held in Jerusalem featuring Israeli military units and floats.


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