Flashcards on Zimmermann Telegram

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What was the Zimmermann Telegram?

A secret message sent by Germany to Mexico during World War I proposing an alliance against the United States.

Which country sent the Zimmermann Telegram?


To which country was the Zimmermann Telegram intended?


When was the Zimmermann Telegram sent?

In 1917

Who intercepted and decoded the Zimmermann Telegram?

British intelligence

What impact did the Zimmermann Telegram have on the United States?

It contributed to the decision of the United States to enter World War I.

Who was Arthur Zimmermann?

German Foreign Secretary

Which code-breaking technique was used to decode the Zimmermann Telegram?

The British used a combination of cryptanalysis and intelligence gathering.

Why did Germany send the Zimmermann Telegram?

They hoped Mexico would declare war on the United States and distract them from World War I in Europe.

What was the response of the United States to the Zimmermann Telegram?

The United States declared war on Germany in April 1917.

What was the purpose of the Zimmermann Telegram?

To provoke Mexico to attack the United States.

Which two countries did Germany propose an alliance against the United States in the Zimmermann Telegram?

Mexico and Japan

How did the publication of the Zimmermann Telegram in the United States impact public opinion?

It increased anti-German sentiment and support for American intervention in the war.

What was the significance of the Zimmermann Telegram during World War I?

It contributed to the United States joining the war and shifting the balance of power.

Which telegram disclosed Germany's plan to involve Mexico in a war against the United States?

The Zimmermann Telegram


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Test Your Knowledge

What was the purpose of the Zimmermann Telegram?

Who intercepted and decoded the Zimmermann Telegram?

What impact did the Zimmermann Telegram have on the United States?

When was the Zimmermann Telegram sent?

How did the publication of the Zimmermann Telegram impact public opinion?

Who sent the Zimmermann Telegram?

What code-breaking techniques were used to decode the Zimmermann Telegram?

Why did Germany send the Zimmermann Telegram?

Who was the German Foreign Secretary when the Zimmermann Telegram was sent?

What was the response of the United States to the Zimmermann Telegram?

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