Flashcards on Син Тіни Кароль

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Who is Син Тіни Кароль?

Син Тіни Кароль is a famous Ukrainian singer.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's full name?

Син Тіни Кароль's full name is Галина Володимирівна Кароль.

In which year was Син Тіни Кароль born?

Син Тіни Кароль was born in 1990.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's most popular song?

Син Тіни Кароль's most popular song is 'Відпусти'.

Which genre does Син Тіни Кароль primarily sing?

Син Тіни Кароль primarily sings pop music.

Has Син Тіни Кароль won any music awards?

Yes, Син Тіни Кароль has won several music awards.

How many albums has Син Тіни Кароль released?

Син Тіни Кароль has released 6 albums.

What is the meaning of 'Син Тіни Кароль' in English?

'Син Тіни Кароль' means 'Son of Tina Karol' in English.

Which TV show did Син Тіни Кароль participate in?

Син Тіни Кароль participated in the Ukrainian version of 'The Voice'.

How many languages can Син Тіни Кароль sing in?

Син Тіни Кароль can sing in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's favorite color?

Син Тіни Кароль's favorite color is blue.

Is Син Тіни Кароль married?

Yes, Син Тіни Кароль is married.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's zodiac sign?

Син Тіни Кароль's zodiac sign is Gemini.

Which city is Син Тіни Кароль from?

Син Тіни Кароль is from Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's Instagram handle?

Син Тіни Кароль's Instagram handle is @tina_karol.

Who is Син Тіни Кароль?

Син Тіни Кароль is a famous Ukrainian singer.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's full name?

Син Тіни Кароль's full name is Галина Володимирівна Кароль.

In which year was Син Тіни Кароль born?

Син Тіни Кароль was born in 1990.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's most popular song?

Син Тіни Кароль's most popular song is 'Відпусти'.

Which genre does Син Тіни Кароль primarily sing?

Син Тіни Кароль primarily sings pop music.

Has Син Тіни Кароль won any music awards?

Yes, Син Тіни Кароль has won several music awards.

How many albums has Син Тіни Кароль released?

Син Тіни Кароль has released 6 albums.

What is the meaning of 'Син Тіни Кароль' in English?

'Син Тіни Кароль' means 'Son of Tina Karol' in English.

Which TV show did Син Тіни Кароль participate in?

Син Тіни Кароль participated in the Ukrainian version of 'The Voice'.

How many languages can Син Тіни Кароль sing in?

Син Тіни Кароль can sing in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's favorite color?

Син Тіни Кароль's favorite color is blue.

Is Син Тіни Кароль married?

Yes, Син Тіни Кароль is married.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's zodiac sign?

Син Тіни Кароль's zodiac sign is Gemini.

Which city is Син Тіни Кароль from?

Син Тіни Кароль is from Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

What is Син Тіни Кароль's Instagram handle?

Син Тіни Кароль's Instagram handle is @tina_karol.


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