Flashcards on The French Revolution

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When did the French Revolution begin?


Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

Louis XVI

What event marked the start of the French Revolution?

The Storming of the Bastille

Which social class made up the majority of the French population?

Third Estate

What slogan was associated with the French Revolution?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

What was the period of radical violence during the French Revolution known as?

Reign of Terror

Who led the Reign of Terror in France?

Maximilien Robespierre

What was the name of the legislative body established during the French Revolution?

National Assembly

Which European countries formed a coalition against revolutionary France?

Austria, Prussia, Britain

When did the French Revolution end?



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Test Your Knowledge

What year did the French Revolution begin?

Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

What event marked the start of the French Revolution?

Who led the Reign of Terror in France?

What was the name of the legislative body established during the French Revolution?

Which European countries formed a coalition against revolutionary France?

What was the period of radical violence during the French Revolution known as?

When did the French Revolution end?

What slogan was associated with the French Revolution?

Which social class made up the majority of the French population?

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