Flashcards on AppleScript Code Examples

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What is AppleScript used for?

AppleScript is a scripting language used to automate repetitive tasks and create custom workflows on Apple operating systems such as macOS and iOS.

How do you create a new folder using AppleScript?

set newFolder to make new folder with properties {name:"New Folder", creation date:current date}

What is the syntax for a basic AppleScript command?

command parameter1, parameter2

What is an example of a conditional statement in AppleScript?

if condition then command end if

How do you display a dialog box in AppleScript?

display dialog "Hello World!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1

What is an example of a repeat loop in AppleScript?

repeat with i from 1 to 10 command end repeat

How do you set a variable in AppleScript?

set variableName to value

What is an example of a try block in AppleScript?

try command on error command end try

What is the difference between a script and an application in AppleScript?

A script is plain text code that can be edited in the AppleScript editor, while an application is a compiled script that can be run like any other application.

How do you open a file in AppleScript?

tell application "Finder" to open file targetFile

What is an example of a list in AppleScript?

set myList to {item1, item2, item3}

How do you get the contents of a file in AppleScript?

set fileContents to read targetFile as text

What is an example of a property in AppleScript?

property propertyName : propertyValue

How do you create a new text file in AppleScript?

set newTextFile to make new file with properties {name:"New Text File.txt"}

What is an example of a global variable in AppleScript?

global variableName

What is AppleScript used for?

AppleScript is a scripting language used to automate repetitive tasks and create custom workflows on Apple operating systems such as macOS and iOS.

How do you create a new folder using AppleScript?

set newFolder to make new folder with properties {name:"New Folder", creation date:current date}

What is the syntax for a basic AppleScript command?

command parameter1, parameter2

What is an example of a conditional statement in AppleScript?

if condition then command end if

How do you display a dialog box in AppleScript?

display dialog "Hello World!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1

What is an example of a repeat loop in AppleScript?

repeat with i from 1 to 10 command end repeat

How do you set a variable in AppleScript?

set variableName to value

What is an example of a try block in AppleScript?

try command on error command end try

What is the difference between a script and an application in AppleScript?

A script is plain text code that can be edited in the AppleScript editor, while an application is a compiled script that can be run like any other application.

How do you open a file in AppleScript?

tell application "Finder" to open file targetFile

What is an example of a list in AppleScript?

set myList to {item1, item2, item3}

How do you get the contents of a file in AppleScript?

set fileContents to read targetFile as text

What is an example of a property in AppleScript?

property propertyName : propertyValue

How do you create a new text file in AppleScript?

set newTextFile to make new file with properties {name:"New Text File.txt"}

What is an example of a global variable in AppleScript?

global variableName


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