Flashcards on Athens

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What is the capital city of Greece?


Which ancient Greek city was known for its democracy and philosophy?


Where was the first modern Olympic Games held in 1896?


Which city-state fought against Sparta in the Peloponnesian War?


What is the Acropolis?

A hilltop citadel in Athens featuring ancient buildings and temples

Who was the famous philosopher who taught in Athens?


Which famous playwright wrote many of his plays in Athens?


What is the name of the main street in Athens known for its shops, cafes, and historic buildings?

Ermou Street

Which ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Athena is located on the Acropolis?


Which famous Greek historian was born in Athens and wrote 'The Histories'?


What is the national flag of Greece?

Blue and white with a cross

Which Greek god is associated with Athens?


What is the name of the ancient theater located on the southern slope of the Acropolis?

Theater of Dionysus

Which famous Greek mathematician and philosopher was born in Athens?


What event took place in Athens every four years in ancient times?

The Panathenaic Games


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Test Your Knowledge

Which ancient Greek city was known for its democracy and philosophy?

What is the name of the main street in Athens known for its shops, cafes, and historic buildings?

Which famous Greek historian was born in Athens and wrote 'The Histories'?

What is the national flag of Greece?

Which Greek god is associated with Athens?

Where was the first modern Olympic Games held in 1896?

Which ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Athena is located on the Acropolis?

Who was the famous philosopher who taught in Athens?

What is the capital city of Greece?

What is the name of the ancient theater located on the southern slope of the Acropolis?

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