Flashcards on L'Illuminismo

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What is the Italian term for the Enlightenment?


During which period did L'Illuminismo take place?

18th century

Which country is known as the birthplace of L'Illuminismo?


Who was a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment?

David Hume

What did L'Illuminismo emphasize?

Reason and individualism

What impact did L'Illuminismo have on society?

Fostered scientific discoveries

Which movement in America was influenced by L'Illuminismo ideas?

American Revolution

In which field did L'Illuminismo promote advancements?


What was challenged by L'Illuminismo thinkers?

Traditional authority

Which monarch was known as an 'Enlightened Despot'?

Frederick the Great

Which Italian philosopher was considered a key figure in the Enlightenment?

Cesare Beccaria

What was the 'Encyclopédie'?

Landmark publication of Enlightenment ideas

Which female writer contributed to the Enlightenment?

Mary Wollstonecraft

What did L'Illuminismo lead to in terms of politics?

Ideas of democracy and liberty

Which philosopher was known for his concept of the 'social contract'?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau


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Test Your Knowledge

Who was a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment?

During which period did L'Illuminismo take place?

Which country is known as the birthplace of L'Illuminismo?

What was challenged by L'Illuminismo thinkers?

Who was considered a key figure in the Enlightenment movement?

What did L'Illuminismo emphasize?

Which female writer contributed to the Enlightenment?

What impact did L'Illuminismo have on society?

Which monarch was known as an 'Enlightened Despot'?

In which field did L'Illuminismo promote advancements?

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