Flashcards on Causes of the Civil War

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What was one of the major causes of the Civil War?

The issue of slavery

Which event sparked the start of the Civil War?

The attack on Fort Sumter

What was the main disagreement between the northern and southern states?

Economic differences and states' rights

Which political party had differing views on slavery, contributing to the divide between the North and the South?

Republican Party

What was the impact of the Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court decision on the tensions between the North and the South?

It further divided the nation by strengthening pro-slavery sentiments in the South and angering abolitionists in the North

What was the significance of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 in relation to the issue of slavery?

It temporarily maintained a balance between free and slave states, but it ultimately failed to resolve the underlying tensions

How did the issue of states' rights contribute to the start of the Civil War?

Southern states believed they had the right to secede from the Union, while the federal government argued it was unconstitutional

What were the economic differences between the North and the South that contributed to the Civil War?

The North's industrial economy and the South's reliance on agriculture, particularly plantation-based slave labor

Which states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America?

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas

What was the significance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in the lead-up to the Civil War?

It allowed for the possibility of slavery in territories previously designated as free, intensifying sectional tensions

How did the issue of territorial expansion contribute to the tensions between the North and the South?

The North and the South disagreed on whether new states should be free or slave states, leading to conflicts such as Bleeding Kansas

What role did the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 play in the outbreak of the Civil War?

His election solidified Southern fears of Republican anti-slavery policies, contributing to their decision to secede from the Union

What impact did the abolitionist movement have on the tensions between the North and the South?

Abolitionist sentiments in the North fueled sectional divisions by advocating for the end of slavery

What were the effects of the Compromise of 1850 on the tensions between the North and the South?

While it briefly eased tensions, it failed to address the fundamental issue of slavery and instead foreshadowed future conflicts

How did the issue of tariffs contribute to the growing divide between the North and the South?

The North supported protective tariffs to promote its industrial economy, while the South opposed them due to their reliance on agriculture and foreign trade


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Test Your Knowledge

What was one of the major causes of the Civil War?

Which event sparked the start of the Civil War?

What was the main disagreement between the northern and southern states?

Which political party had differing views on slavery, contributing to the divide between the North and the South?

What was the impact of the Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court decision on the tensions between the North and the South?

What was the significance of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 in relation to the issue of slavery?

How did the issue of states' rights contribute to the start of the Civil War?

What were the economic differences between the North and the South that contributed to the Civil War?

Which states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America?

What was the significance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in the lead-up to the Civil War?

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