Flashcards on Causes of Urbanization

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What is urbanization?

Urbanization is the process of population shift from rural areas to urban areas.

What are push factors that contribute to urbanization?

Push factors include lack of job opportunities, poverty, natural disasters, and conflict in rural areas.

What are pull factors that attract people to urban areas?

Pull factors include better job opportunities, access to healthcare, education, and cultural amenities.

How do industrialization and modernization contribute to urbanization?

Industrialization and modernization lead to the development of cities, attracting people in search of better living standards and employment.

What role does infrastructure development play in urbanization?

Infrastructure development such as roads, transportation, and utilities in urban areas encourages more people to move to cities.

How do changes in agricultural practices contribute to urbanization?

Technological advancements in agriculture reduce the need for manual labor, prompting rural residents to seek employment in cities.

What impact does globalization have on urbanization?

Globalization leads to increased interconnectedness and economic opportunities, making urban areas more attractive to migrants.

How does population growth affect urbanization?

Rapid population growth in rural areas can strain resources and push people to seek better opportunities in urban centers.

Explain the role of education in urbanization.

Access to quality education in urban areas motivates individuals to move in search of better educational prospects for themselves and their families.

How do government policies influence urbanization?

Government policies related to urban development, land use, and employment opportunities can shape the rate and pattern of urbanization.


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What are pull factors that attract people to urban areas?

How do industrialization and modernization contribute to urbanization?

What impact does globalization have on urbanization?

How does population growth affect urbanization?

Explain the role of education in urbanization.

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