Flashcards on Complex adjectives

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What is a complex adjective?

A complex adjective is a group of words that work together to describe a noun.

Give an example of a complex adjective.

brightly colored

How are complex adjectives formed?

Complex adjectives are formed by combining an adverb with a past participle or an adjective.

What is the purpose of using complex adjectives?

Complex adjectives provide more specific and vivid descriptions.

Which complex adjective describes something that is impossible to believe?


What does the complex adjective 'well-known' mean?

It means widely recognized or famous.

What is the complex adjective that means showing no fear?


What does the complex adjective 'professionally trained' mean?

It means having received training in a specific profession.

Give an example of a complex adjective using an adverb and past participle.

carefully constructed

What does the complex adjective 'high-tech' mean?

It means using advanced technology.

What are the two main components of a complex adjective?

An adverb and a past participle or adjective.

Which of the following is NOT a complex adjective?


Complete the complex adjective: quick-______.


What does the complex adjective 'emotionally charged' mean?

It means filled with strong emotions.

What does the complex adjective 'baby-faced' mean?

It means having a youthful or innocent appearance.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is a complex adjective?

How are complex adjectives formed?

Which of the following is an example of a complex adjective?

What is the purpose of using complex adjectives?

What does the complex adjective 'well-known' mean?

Which complex adjective means showing no fear?

What does the complex adjective 'high-tech' mean?

Complete the complex adjective: quick-______.

Which of the following is NOT a complex adjective?

What does the complex adjective 'baby-faced' mean?

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