Flashcards on Descoberta do Brasil

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Who discovered Brazil?

Pedro Álvares Cabral

When was Brazil discovered?

April 22, 1500

Who led the first expedition to Brazil?

Vicente Yáñez Pinzón

What was Brazil named after it was discovered?

Ilha de Vera Cruz

Which Portuguese explorer claimed Brazil for Portugal?

Pedro Álvares Cabral

When did Brazil become a Portuguese colony?


What is the capital city of Brazil?


What is the largest city in Brazil?

São Paulo

What is the official language of Brazil?


Who was the first governor-general of the Portuguese colony?

Tomé de Sousa

What was the indigenous population like before colonialism?

Estimates suggest that there may have been up to 2.5 million indigenous people living in what is now known as Brazil at the time of European arrival.

What was the population like after colonialism began?

The indigenous population was decimated through violence, enslavement, and disease brought by Europeans.

What was the major export of Brazil during colonialism?


What was the capital of Brazil before Brasília?

Rio de Janeiro

Who was the first president of Brazil?

Deodoro da Fonseca

Who discovered Brazil?

Pedro Álvares Cabral

When was Brazil discovered?

April 22, 1500

Who led the first expedition to Brazil?

Vicente Yáñez Pinzón

What was Brazil named after it was discovered?

Ilha de Vera Cruz

Which Portuguese explorer claimed Brazil for Portugal?

Pedro Álvares Cabral

When did Brazil become a Portuguese colony?


What is the capital city of Brazil?


What is the largest city in Brazil?

São Paulo

What is the official language of Brazil?


Who was the first governor-general of the Portuguese colony?

Tomé de Sousa

What was the indigenous population like before colonialism?

Estimates suggest that there may have been up to 2.5 million indigenous people living in what is now known as Brazil at the time of European arrival.

What was the population like after colonialism began?

The indigenous population was decimated through violence, enslavement, and disease brought by Europeans.

What was the major export of Brazil during colonialism?


What was the capital of Brazil before Brasília?

Rio de Janeiro

Who was the first president of Brazil?

Deodoro da Fonseca


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