Flashcards on Ecosystem Services Flashcards

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What are ecosystem services?

Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans obtain from ecosystems.

Name three types of ecosystem services.

Provisioning, regulating, and cultural services.

What are provisioning services?

Provisioning services are the products directly obtained from ecosystems (e.g. food, water, timber).

Give an example of a regulating service.

Pollination provided by bees.

What are cultural services?

Cultural services are the non-material benefits that ecosystems provide (e.g. recreation, spiritual inspiration).

Name two examples of cultural services.

Tourism and aesthetic value.

What is the importance of ecosystem services?

Ecosystem services are vital for human well-being and economic development.

How do ecosystems provide supporting services?

Supporting services involve nutrient cycling, soil formation, and habitat creation.

Why is biodiversity important for ecosystem services?

Higher biodiversity often leads to increased ecosystem services.

What is the role of ecosystems in climate regulation?

Ecosystems help regulate climate by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide.

What are supporting services?

Supporting services are necessary for the production of all other ecosystem services.

Give an example of a provisioning service.

Fish caught from a river.

How do ecosystems provide cultural services?

Ecosystems provide cultural services through recreation opportunities and aesthetic values.

What is the role of ecosystems in water purification?

Ecosystems help filter and purify water, improving its quality.

What is the role of ecosystems in natural disasters?

Ecosystems can reduce the impacts of natural disasters by acting as buffers and absorbing excess water.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are ecosystem services?

Which of the following is a type of ecosystem service?

What is the purpose of provisioning services?

Which of the following is an example of a regulating service?

What do cultural services encompass?

Which of the following is an example of a cultural service?

Why are ecosystem services important?

What is the role of supporting services?

Why is biodiversity important for ecosystem services?

How do ecosystems help regulate climate?

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