What is the correct pronunciation of 'schedule' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'schedule' in English is 'shed-yool'.
What is the difference between 'affect' and 'effect' in pronunciation?
The difference in pronunciation between 'affect' and 'effect' is the stress on the first syllable in 'affect' and the second syllable in 'effect'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'vulnerable' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'vulnerable' in English is 'vuhl-ner-uh-buhl'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'mischievous' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'mischievous' in English is 'mis-chuh-vus'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'nuclear' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'nuclear' in English is 'noo-klee-er'.
What is the difference between British and American pronunciation of 'tomato'?
The British pronunciation of 'tomato' is 'tuh-maa-toh', while the American pronunciation is 'tuh-may-toh'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'almond' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'almond' in English is 'ah-muhnd'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'often' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'often' in English is with a silent 't', like 'aw-fn'. However, some people also pronounce it with a 't', like 'awf-tn'.
What is the difference between 'th' and 'ð' in English pronunciation?
The difference between 'th' and 'ð' in English pronunciation is the voiceless and voiced fricative, respectively. 'Th' is voiceless, like in 'think', while 'ð' is voiced, like in 'this'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'library' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'library' in English is 'lai-bruh-ree'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'caramel' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'caramel' in English is 'karr-uh-muhl'. However, some people also pronounce it as 'kar-muhl'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'route' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'route' in English is either 'root' or 'rowt', depending on the context and region.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'Wednesday' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'Wednesday' in English is 'wenz-day'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'February' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'February' in English is 'feb-yoo-er-ee'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'zoo' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'zoo' in English is 'zoo'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'schedule' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'schedule' in English is 'shed-yool'.
What is the difference between 'affect' and 'effect' in pronunciation?
The difference in pronunciation between 'affect' and 'effect' is the stress on the first syllable in 'affect' and the second syllable in 'effect'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'vulnerable' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'vulnerable' in English is 'vuhl-ner-uh-buhl'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'mischievous' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'mischievous' in English is 'mis-chuh-vus'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'nuclear' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'nuclear' in English is 'noo-klee-er'.
What is the difference between British and American pronunciation of 'tomato'?
The British pronunciation of 'tomato' is 'tuh-maa-toh', while the American pronunciation is 'tuh-may-toh'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'almond' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'almond' in English is 'ah-muhnd'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'often' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'often' in English is with a silent 't', like 'aw-fn'. However, some people also pronounce it with a 't', like 'awf-tn'.
What is the difference between 'th' and 'ð' in English pronunciation?
The difference between 'th' and 'ð' in English pronunciation is the voiceless and voiced fricative, respectively. 'Th' is voiceless, like in 'think', while 'ð' is voiced, like in 'this'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'library' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'library' in English is 'lai-bruh-ree'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'caramel' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'caramel' in English is 'karr-uh-muhl'. However, some people also pronounce it as 'kar-muhl'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'route' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'route' in English is either 'root' or 'rowt', depending on the context and region.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'Wednesday' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'Wednesday' in English is 'wenz-day'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'February' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'February' in English is 'feb-yoo-er-ee'.
What is the correct pronunciation of 'zoo' in English?
The correct pronunciation of 'zoo' in English is 'zoo'.