Flashcards on Evolution of the Indian Constitution

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When was the Constitution of India adopted?

26th November 1949

Which committee was formed to draft the Indian Constitution?

The Drafting Committee

Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Who is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution?

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

How many articles were there when the Indian Constitution was brought into force?

395 articles

Which act served as a transitional constitution from 1947 until 1950?

The Indian Independence Act, 1947

When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the national flag?

22nd July 1947

Which document shaped the drafting of the Indian Constitution?

The Objectives Resolution

When did the Constituent Assembly hold its first session?

9th December 1946

How long did the Constituent Assembly take to finalize the Constitution?

About 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days

How many members signed the Indian Constitution?

284 members

Which day is celebrated as Constitution Day in India?

26th November

How many amendments does the Indian Constitution have as of 2023?

105 amendments

What was the historical document that served as the legal instrument for India's independence from Britain?

The Indian Independence Act 1947

Which day was the Indian Constitution fully implemented?

26th January 1950


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Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Indian Constitution?

When is Constitution Day observed in India?

The Indian Constitution was adopted on:

Which of the following acted as the provisional constitution of India from 1947 until 1950?

The Objectives Resolution, which shaped the Indian Constitution, was moved by:

The first session of the Constituent Assembly was on:

Who is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution?

How many members of the Constituent Assembly signed the final document of the Indian Constitution?

The Constitution of India came into full effect on:

As of 2023, how many amendments have been made to the Indian Constitution?

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