Flashcards on Exploring 'Don Quixote' by Cervantes in Modern Times

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Who is the author of the novel 'Don Quixote'?

Miguel de Cervantes

What is the full title of the novel 'Don Quixote'?

The Ingenious Nobleman Mister Quixote of La Mancha

In which language was 'Don Quixote' originally written?


What year was 'Don Quixote' first published?


What is the genre of the novel 'Don Quixote'?


Who is the main character in 'Don Quixote'?

Don Quixote

What is Don Quixote's loyal squire's name?

Sancho Panza

Which modern author wrote a sequel to 'Don Quixote' called 'The Ingenious Gentleman and Poet Federico García Lorca Ascends to Hell'?

Carlos Rojas

What is the main theme of 'Don Quixote'?

Reality vs. Illusion

In 'Don Quixote', who does Don Quixote mistake ordinary people for?

Knights and princesses

Which famous windmill scene features in 'Don Quixote'?

Don Quixote attacking windmills, thinking they're giants

What literary device is commonly used in 'Don Quixote' to heighten the theme of chivalry and knighthood?


What aspect of 'Don Quixote' makes it a timeless classic?

Its exploration of human nature and ideals

Who is considered the first modern European novel's protagonist?

Don Quixote

What can be said about the lack of heroism in 'Don Quixote'?

It satirizes the traditional heroic romance literature


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What is the full title of the novel 'Don Quixote'?

Who is the main character in 'Don Quixote'?

In which language was 'Don Quixote' originally written?

What year was 'Don Quixote' first published?

Who is the author of the novel 'Don Quixote'?

What is the genre of the novel 'Don Quixote'?

What is the main theme of 'Don Quixote'?

Who does Don Quixote mistake ordinary people for in the novel?

What literary device is commonly used in 'Don Quixote'?

Who wrote a sequel to 'Don Quixote' titled 'The Ingenious Gentleman and Poet Federico García Lorca Ascends to Hell'?

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