Flashcards on Gestion y Costos

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What does 'gestion y costos' mean?

Management and costs

Why is understanding 'gestion y costos' important in business?

To efficiently manage resources and control expenses.

Name a key aspect of 'gestion y costos' in business.


What is the goal of implementing 'gestion y costos' strategies?

To maximize profits and minimize expenses.

How can businesses improve their 'gestion y costos'?

By analyzing financial data and optimizing processes.

Define 'gestion y costos' in the context of managerial accounting.

It involves planning, controlling, and making decisions related to costs.

What are some common cost management techniques used in 'gestion y costos'?

Activity-based costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, and target costing.

How can businesses calculate the total cost of production using 'gestion y costos' methods?

By adding up fixed costs and variable costs.

List two benefits of effective 'gestion y costos' practices for a company.

Increased profitability and competitive advantage.

What role does cost allocation play in 'gestion y costos'?

It helps assign costs to products or services accurately.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the main focus of 'gestion y costos'?

Why is budgeting important in 'gestion y costos'?

Which of the following is NOT a cost management technique used in 'gestion y costos'?

What does 'gestion y costos' aim to maximize in a business?

Which financial data is crucial for effective 'gestion y costos'?

How can businesses benefit from accurate cost allocation in 'gestion y costos'?

What type of costs can be controlled through 'gestion y costos' strategies?

Which analysis is a part of cost management techniques in 'gestion y costos'?

What is one potential risk of poor 'gestion y costos' practices in a business?

How does 'gestion y costos' help businesses make informed decisions?

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