Flashcards on Gruffalo

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Who wrote the book 'The Gruffalo'?

Julia Donaldson

Name the two animals in the story 'The Gruffalo' who are afraid of the mouse.

The fox and the owl

What is the mouse's plan to avoid being eaten by the Gruffalo?

He tells the Gruffalo that he's the scariest creature in the forest and that he would make a great meal for him.

What do the other animals do when they see the Gruffalo?

They all run away in fear.

What does the Gruffalo look like?

He has terrible tusks and terrible claws, and he's terribly brown.

What does the Gruffalo think of the mouse's plan?

He is frightened and runs away.

In the story 'The Gruffalo', what does the mouse make up to describe the Gruffalo's eyes?

Orange eyes with black pupils

What does the Gruffalo's child think of him?

He thinks his Papa is the bravest creature in the world.

What do the animals do when they see the mouse's plan work?

They all cheer for the mouse.

What does the Gruffalo's child want to do after hearing about the mouse?

He wants to see the mouse.

What happens to the Gruffalo at the end of the story?

He runs away and never comes back.

What does the story show about the importance of wits over brawn?

It shows that even a small creature like a mouse can outsmart a bigger and stronger predator, like the Gruffalo.

What lesson can we learn from 'The Gruffalo'?

We should never judge a book by its cover, and we should always use our wits to overcome challenges.

What is the main theme of the story 'The Gruffalo'?

The main theme is using your wits to overcome adversity.

What is the setting of the story 'The Gruffalo'?

The setting is a forest.

Who wrote the book 'The Gruffalo'?

Julia Donaldson

Name the two animals in the story 'The Gruffalo' who are afraid of the mouse.

The fox and the owl

What is the mouse's plan to avoid being eaten by the Gruffalo?

He tells the Gruffalo that he's the scariest creature in the forest and that he would make a great meal for him.

What do the other animals do when they see the Gruffalo?

They all run away in fear.

What does the Gruffalo look like?

He has terrible tusks and terrible claws, and he's terribly brown.

What does the Gruffalo think of the mouse's plan?

He is frightened and runs away.

In the story 'The Gruffalo', what does the mouse make up to describe the Gruffalo's eyes?

Orange eyes with black pupils

What does the Gruffalo's child think of him?

He thinks his Papa is the bravest creature in the world.

What do the animals do when they see the mouse's plan work?

They all cheer for the mouse.

What does the Gruffalo's child want to do after hearing about the mouse?

He wants to see the mouse.

What happens to the Gruffalo at the end of the story?

He runs away and never comes back.

What does the story show about the importance of wits over brawn?

It shows that even a small creature like a mouse can outsmart a bigger and stronger predator, like the Gruffalo.

What lesson can we learn from 'The Gruffalo'?

We should never judge a book by its cover, and we should always use our wits to overcome challenges.

What is the main theme of the story 'The Gruffalo'?

The main theme is using your wits to overcome adversity.

What is the setting of the story 'The Gruffalo'?

The setting is a forest.


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